Happy Life
Inadvertently, we all keep saying that life is too complicated and that the never-ending search for happiness drives us further away from the bull’s eye. It is like a “daldal” where you keep getting pulled into complications.
We all know that golden search for happiness can span through our entire lives yet we keep striving for the ideal state. Unfortunately, very few ever got close to attain this state. Happiness is like watching stars in a starry night or finding the center of a ripple in the pond which keep coming out.
There are several simple ways to be happy, viz. by coming together, by doing small things together, by moving together, by laughing together, by watching things together. All this can be achieved through many ways and one such way is “Brisk Walk” in group. Come join the movement to be together, to laugh out, and to be happy.
We do create moments of togetherness by ways of hosting events like family get-togethers, dinner outings in neighbourhood and de-stress and lead a happier life.
We plan to create more such moments to come together and serve the humanity to de-stress ourselves to give back to society to have a Happy Life.
Join the Happy Life movement!!!